for people with ancestors
Tune into your ancestors on an intuitive level, establish safe ritual boundaries, then initiate and tend a healing process on your lineages. When complete, enjoy lifelong, mutually beneficial relationship with your ancestors. Genealogy facts are helpful but not necessary.
Initial Consult: 30 minutes, no charge
First Session Assessment: 90 minutes, $150
Regular Session: 75 minutes, $125
Recommended rhythm: flexible, pace of the lineage guides
All paid sessions include detailed notes and personalized ritual follow-up suggestions. Accessibility policy applies.
"Thank you so much, Laura.
I'm indeed very glad that I reached out to you, as I really got the sense that without support it could get quite messy.
I felt so relieved after our session. As if a big heavy blanket has been lifted. The sun came out after all the rain here, so I went to sit down by the waterfront and enjoyed a new spaciousness.
I appreciate your email suggestions very much and will keep on tending."
**Reduced-fee sessions available on booking page.
**Note for Ancestral Medicine Practitioners/Trainees: Schedule trade or prepaid time with me here.

Flexible care to meet you as you are
Ritually contained sessions to help you find your way as a singer, artist, healer, or unique spiritual & creative being. May include vocal coaching, mentoring, deep listening, collaboration, accountability, prayer, divination, or in-the-moment creative process, as needed.
Initial Consult: 30 minutes, no charge
Session length 60 – 90 minutes (depending on needs / style)
Rate: $100 per hour, same as all offerings.
Recommend rhythm: every two to four weeks.
Duration varies, often 3 to 6 months.
Accessibility policy applies.
"The support you gave me as I was working to build stability and confidence in my music making practice was invaluable. You helped me build a daily ritual that directly led to a number of personal and creative breakthroughs. I've since recorded and released two EPs and a full-length album, and I just finished my first cross-country tour! I'm so grateful for the path you helped foster."

Customized Care for Times of Transition
It's tough to put a label on the sacred moments of your life, your family, your grief. But sometimes moments arrive that call for support, for a bit of expertise that can help you fully live into the initiation or milestone gate you are passing through.
Let's talk about it. (Accessibility policy applies.)

Playful poem to honor contractor at completion celebration for church building.
Group ritual to grieve a violent death and honor the land where it occurred.
Song to honor a departed husband/father at the memorial.
Altar tending and prayer support for end of life and passing of beloved canine companion.
Song to honor a retiree at the conclusion of her career.
Group singing and water blessing to honor young trees planted at a new nature preserve.
Humorous skit to honor a graduate at party of family and friends.
Bedside music for dying loved one.
Nostalgic custom song for parents' 50th wedding anniversary.