You, the weird and tender seekers, the artist-healers.
You, the singers, shy or wild or aching.
You belong in this place of earthy beauty.
I will listen to you, sing with you, and hold you on my altar.
Who is Laura?

Singer, player, and song maker.
Healer and ritualist.
Facilitator and mentor.
I collaborate with the divine One/Many in bringing you alive to your creative and spiritual resources.
Just like you, I suffer and cry.
I cherish small groups and shared intimate experiences.
I wonder and dig deep, asking that gentle question that could turn things around for you.
I laugh and dance and sing, and invite you to join in.
I also write and draw and photograph and share my world with you.
I listen and notice. I dream and intuit and engage powerful spirit help.
I see outrageous beauty and gorgeous decay all around. Do you see it?
What is Laura's Chapel?
~A small prayhouse + playhouse built of cob.
~A backyard oasis in the Putah Creek watershed, land of the Patwin people, also called Davis, California.
~A structure made of earth and straw and community.
~A creative sanctuary, a work of art to inhabit.
~A gesture of honor to the elements and the ancestors.
~An altar to hold prayers for when you are in need.
~An energetically supportive space for sessions with you.

I am! Maybe one or more of these is true for you...
You have sampled many religions and practices, but never settled down. You need the freedom to piece together a flexible spiritual path or build your own spiritual home.
You have a committed faith tradition, but it doesn’t meet all your needs. You want to explore wider ranging, interfaith spiritual experiences.
You are painfully aware of how some spiritual practices or religious ideas contribute to domination culture, injustice, or eco-violence. You long to dismantle the harms, heal the damages with art and beauty, and co-create safe spiritual space.
Your spirituality has always been rooted in your music, your art, your love of Beauty. You crave a place that is low on dogma where you can be reverent within artistic or aesthetic process.
You have had rich spiritual and creative experiences, but they all seem to be above the neck. You are looking for channels to a more embodied, in-your-bones spiritual and artistic practice.

earth chapel priestess, poet, and playmate
I am one and many. Part grubby artist-troll who gleefullly stirs things up, part harp-wielding angel who sings a pure note of love and acceptance into the world.
I wander as I go. I follow my own learning and growth, which has taken me to music school, to PhD studies in literature, to intercultural marriage and motherhood, to songwriting and songleading, and to ancestral healing and spiritual direction. I bring all my experience and discernment to my connection with you.
I respond to need. I have poured energy into creative community groups, singing ensembles, projects, and productions, and I have weathered discouraging fatigue and depression. I have joined churches and sanghas and healing circles, questioning and mixing and matching. I have pursued my own healing and have found ways to help you heal.
Now I find myself here in the earth chapel, a beautiful, safe space for intuitive exploration, artistic play, ancestral connection, and spiritual growth. I invite you in!
• I am present for you in one-on-one sessions and intimate circles, whether you are a seeker, an ancestral healer, an artist, a singer, or not sure what you are becoming. My listening presence and keen questions open doors you forgot were there.
•I craft customized ritual songs (or help you do so), and invite you into singing groups where we honor the earth and the ancestors.
• I welcome spirituality in its broadness and interfaith richness. I invite creative process to be as messy as it needs to be. I activate resources that help projects come to life.
• When we work or play together, I will be myself so you can be yourself. I will cherish myself and my unique song, so you can cherish yourself and your unique song.
• I will see and hear you. I will relish your dreams and your creativity. I will companion you on your way to finding deep, generous companionship within.

David Nogueira, Musician
“You have no idea how important it was for me to meet you and make music with you. We put our intentions together and something starts to grow, something magical and powerful. Now I'm in a completely different field of inspiration.”

Laura, you have this amazing ability to weave worlds together.
Your heart-mind works to juxtapose and layer so many different perspectives that have greatly enriched my life.
You are especially kind and generous. And the notes that I have received from ancestral repair sessions with you are sublime."
Samara Michaelson
Full Circle Gatherings
dance, yoga, ancestral lineage healing
for the ancestrally reverent
Special Opportunity!
Join me and 5 to 7 others in a monthly spiritual direction group just for people with an ancestral healing or relating practice. This is not a healing circle, but a committed circle for deepening into your spiritual journey in the company of witnesses. The container is interfaith, with ancestral guides invited.
Six 75-minute sessions to convene on Zoom from September 2022 to February 2023 at no charge, as part of my fulfillment of practicum requirements in Spiritual Direction. Option to continue for $30/month.

“In times of darkness it’s more important than ever to join together and sing, speak, dance our way back to light and a right relationship with the world.”​